A wrap up

So this goes without saying, EC is packing heat and 2018 was never ready. Not at any point has it felt like a slow start to the year and with what’s been happening in the scene – everyone seems to agree. BI has been keeping a close eye on EC artists across board, and though we do not want to spill the beans okwamanje, it’s still safe to say the year is going to be an eventful one.

However, what we can talk about is how impressive it is to see people come out and support local artists – not only because they’re local, but because the work looks and sounds refined. A few months back we had a discussion about how the Province needs to adopt a culture of paying the money, buying a ticket – a culture of attending events. And this idea is slowly coming alive. Let’s keep at it.

Also, this means BI gets to document these events, keeping all the work for the sake of representation and reflection. And we can agree about the importance of having our own platform, ain’t nothing realler, honestly. But before this goes on a tangent, what’s happened so far?

The music videos:

  1. Jay Dino dropped Dream Chaser.
  2. Veeg dropped Mean it .
  3. Slogan dropped Religion.
  4. T-One 80 dropped Waste No Time.

We followed up with a review on Anitakinyi’s Miss Mediocre EP. This was exciting especially when we paired it with the relevant interview – if you haven’t listened to the tape and read through the contents of its making, make sure to catch on and stay on.

Vile Blakkey dropped a tape titled, SELiV. Because we love to listen, ponder, and then write – we also featured a review on the tape. And before you ask, yes there is an interview and it’ll drop very soon.

Lastly, Miss Jay hosted #SJSVol5 on the 1st of April. Before then, BI ran a competition where two lucky winners received tickets to the event. Watch out for the socials, we have a flaming gallery that’ll drop very soon as well.

So as it stands, we’ve welcomed the year with good feelings, great events, and projects which continue to find its place within our playlists and budgets. We pray to the East and its people, that this only gets better with time.


The Blacksmithed.