The Blacksmithed Corporate Solutions

Do you want to get your brand to infiltrate the Eastern Cape hip hop crowd? Look no further, The Blacksmithed can help you with that.

We offer advertising solutions to individuals, companies and brands. Just reach out to us and let us know who you are and what you are looking for. We are more than capable and very willing to help you in that regard.

We have a variety of solutions depending on what you are looking for.


Are you an upcoming individual artist looking to promote your song across the Eastern Cape audience? Unable to run Promoted Posts on Facebook/Twitter due to the expensive prices or not owning a credit card? We completely understand! These platforms make it practically impossible for the small-time artist to promote their music/page/links. The Blacksmithed has you covered. We offer seriously affordable, fixed-priced advertising solutions that will drive our audience to your content. And the best part is that it is really cheap!

These prices include ad space on all of our sites (The Blacksmithed + The Blacksmithed Music). We have ad space on our sidebar (visible on desktop only) and on our main banner (visible on desktop + mobile). The pricing is as follows:

Banner Ads (prices INCLUDE ads on ALL our sites):

Per day: R10
Per week (7 days): R50 (save R20)
Per month (30 days): R100 (save R100)

Sidebar Ads (prices INCLUDE ads on ALL our sites):

Per day: R10
Per week (7 days): R30 (save R40)
Per month (30 days): R80 (save R40)

If you are unable to design your own ads, we offer the facility to create one for you. This will be an additional R20 to your final price.

If you are interested, send us a mail to and we’ll help drive your content to the Eastern Cape.

The ad dimensions should be designed as follows:

Banner ads: 1024 x 218 px
Sidebar ads:
300 x 300 px


Your company/brand can enjoy the same benefits of advertising on our platform. In addition to just having your ad on our site, you will receive more benefits to your package such as complete stats and a full report of your ad’s performance.

We also offer more packages such as complete campaign management, sponsored posts on our social media pages and a lot more.

If your brand is planning an activation in the Eastern Cape or you plan on having an event in the province and you require access to the Eastern Cape hip hop market, we offer full campaign packages to help you make the most of your visit to the province.

Please do not hesitate to get in touch with us. Send us a mail to and let us help you get into the Eastern Cape market.